• 400 South Salina St. Suite 201,
    Syracuse, NY 13202

Trademark statement

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©1999 - 2024 CXtec Inc.

CXtec hosts the website www.cxtec.com at its world headquarters, located at 400 South Salina St., Syracuse, NY 13202. We can be reached by phone at 315.476.3000. Inquiries about the website should be directed to service@cxtec.com.


The information, text, graphics and links provided on www.cxtec.com are provided by CXtec as a convenience to its customers. CXtec is not responsible for the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of the information, text, graphics, links or other items housed on this server. However, CXtec retains copyrights to all images, graphics and text, unless otherwise noted. Users may not distribute, mirror, or modify and reuse any copyrighted text, graphics or images on this website for commercial purposes without written consent from CXtec or the copyright holder. Users may print copies of the information, store information and reference information from this server for your own personal use. CXtec reserves all rights to this website. Products featured on these websites are trademarks of their respective companies and their likeness may not be replicated without the manufacturer's permission.

CXtec is the owner of the following trademarks and/or service marks:

CABLExpress®, CXtec®, CXtec Dinosaurs®, equal2new®, Performance Guaranteed Technology Equipment™, Technology @ Your Pace®, Skinny-Trunk®, RapidCare®, LIFECYCLExpress®, Green Cube®, Respect Layer One®, We make your network…..work®, CABLExpress EXP Series®, Z-Mount®, and Know Your Source®.

Cables for a Cure® is a registered mark of Susan G. Komen for a Cure, used under license.

CABLE TALK® is a registered mark of CableTalk Systems Inc., used under license.

All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

©1999 - 2023 CXtec Inc. All rights reserved.


When visiting this website, information about your browser type, operating system, IP address, and the domain from which you came is collected. We do not collect any personally identifiable information unless you submit it (Personally identifiable information includes names, postal addresses, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, banking and billing information, account information, credit card numbers or any other combination of data that could be used to identify you including, but not limited to your birthdate, zip code, gender). Any personally identifiable information that you give us will only be used to respond to you and will not be retained, unless you submit the information as an application (i.e. online credit application, e-newsletter subscription request). Any information that we do collect from the visitor's home server is only used in aggregate to determine whether improvements can be made in our service and is discarded. Parties who communicate with CXtec via e-mail may receive future communications by e-mail. If you receive e-mail and wish to be removed from our distribution list, please contact us at removeme@cxtec.com. Parties who submit their postal addresses to request marketing materials or company information will be added to our mailing lists to ensure that they receive future mailings. If you wish to be removed from our mailing list, clip the address label from the literature you received and submit it in care of the marketing department to the address listed above. CXtec respects the privacy of its customers and pledges to protect their privacy by not sharing e-mail addresses with any third-party groups. You can remove your address from this list at anytime by sending an email to removeme@cxtec.com.


Last updated 04.11.22


CXtec Inc. ("we" or "us" or "our") may use cookies, web beacons, tracking pixels, and other tracking technologies when you visit our website [Name of Website.com], including any other media form, media channel, mobile website, or mobile application related or connected thereto (collectively, the "Site") to help customize the Site and improve your experience.

We reserve the right to make changes to this Cookie Policy at any time and for any reason. We will alert you about any changes by updating the "Last Updated" date of this Cookie Policy. Any changes or modifications will be effective immediately upon posting the updated Cookie Policy on the Site, and you waive the right to receive specific notice of each such change or modification.

You are encouraged to periodically review this Cookie Policy to stay informed of updates. You will be deemed to have been made aware of, will be subject to, and will be deemed to have accepted the changes in any revised Cookie Policy by your continued use of the Site after the date such revised Cookie Policy is posted.


A "cookie" is a string of information which assigns you a unique identifier that we store on your computer. Your browser then provides that unique identifier to use each time you submit a query to the Site. We use cookies on the Site to, among other things, keep track of services you have used, record registration information, record your user preferences, keep you logged into the Site, facilitate purchase procedures, and track the pages you visit. Cookies help us understand how the Site is being used and improve your user experience.


The following types of cookies may be used when you visit the Site:

1. Advertising Cookies

Advertising cookies are placed on your computer by advertisers and ad servers in order to display advertisements that are most likely to be of interest to you. These cookies allow advertisers and ad servers to gather information about your visits to the Site and other websites, alternate the ads sent to a specific computer, and track how often an ad has been viewed and by whom. These cookies are linked to a computer and do not gather any personal information about you.

2.Analytics Cookies

Analytics cookies monitor how users reached the Site, and how they interact with and move around once on the Site. These cookies let us know what features on the Site are working the best and what features on the Site can be improved.

3. Our Cookies

Our cookies are "first-party cookies", and can be either permanent or temporary. These are necessary cookies, without which the Site won't work properly or be able to provide certain features and functionalities. Some of these may be manually disabled in your browser, but may affect the functionality of the Site.

4. Personalization Cookies

Personalization cookies are used to recognize repeat visitors to the Site. We use these cookies to record your browsing history, the pages you have visited, and your settings and preferences each time you visit the Site.

5. Security Cookies

Security cookies help identify and prevent security risks. We use these cookies to authenticate users and protect user data from unauthorized parties.

6. Site Management Cookies

Site management cookies are used to maintain your identity or session on the Site so that you are not logged off unexpectedly, and any information you enter is retained from page to page. These cookies cannot be turned off individually, but you can disable all cookies in your browser.

7. Third-party Cookies

Third-party cookies may be place on your computer when you visit the Site by companies that run certain services we offer. These cookies allow the third parties to gather and track certain information about you. These cookies can be manually disabled in your browser.

8. Control of Cookies

Most browsers are set to accept cookies by default. However, you can remove or reject cookies in your browser’s settings. Please be aware that such action could affect the availability and functionality of the Site.

In addition, you may opt-out of some third-party cookies through the Network Advertising Initiative’s Opt-Out Tool.


In addition to cookies, we may use web beacons, pixel tags, and other tracking technologies on the Site to help customize the Site and improve your experience. A "web beacon" or "pixel tag" is tiny object or image embedded in a web page or email. They are used to track the number of users who have visited particular pages and viewed emails, and acquire other statistical data. They collect only a limited set of data, such as a cookie number, time and date of page or email view, and a description of the page or email on which they reside. Web beacons and pixel tags cannot be declined. However, you can limit their use by controlling the cookies that interact with them.


For more information about how we use information collected by cookies and other tracking technologies, please refer to our Privacy Policy above. This Cookie Policy is part of and is incorporated into our Privacy Policy. By using the Site, you agree to be bound by this Cookie Policy and our Privacy Policy.


If you have questions or comments about this Cookie Policy, please contact us at:

CXtec Inc. 400 South Salina St. Syracuse, NY 13202 315.476.3000 service@cxtec.com